MRE Monday (Week 2) - Menu 8: Meatballs in Marinara Sauce (Genuine, 2015)
Hello Again, What a mashup of a meal! Manufactured by Ameriqual Packaging. Now, I know this is a favorite meal of many, but I always have a healthy dose of skepticism. Everyone's tastes are different and I might've been the odd girl out who just didn't have the same love for this meal that everyone else had. Luckily, though, that wasn't the case here. First Thing's First - The Date: This MRE actually has the date code, unlike my last meal, in the standard area (on the outside of the bag). This meal was packaged on the the 33rd day of 2015 (5033), meaning February 2nd 2015. A young MRE. The Components: What's Included: White Wheat Snack Bread Cheese Spread with Jalapenos Beef Snack Lemon Lime Beverage Base Powder Meatballs in Marinara Sauce Potatoes Au Gratin Trans Fat Free Vanilla Pound Cake Hot Beverage Bag Flameless Ration Heater Spoon Accessory Packet C (Coffee, Non-Dairy Creamer, Splenda, Chewing Gum, Moist Towel...